Reltio For Compliance Professionals
Simplify Compliance and Reporting with Connected Customer Data in the Cloud
Reimagine Customer Data for Compliance and Reporting
As a compliance professional, you know full well that the cost for non-compliance can be steep. At the same time, i t’s not easy to keep up with regulatory compliance and reporting requirements, which is labor-intensive, time-consuming and repetitive work. Plus, quickly responding to customers’ communications and privacy preferences places a significant, ongoing strain on your team.
These efforts are especially daunting if you’re stuck relying on disconnected and disjointed data from line-of-business and legacy master data management (MDM) systems.
Now’s the time to reimagine customer data management for compliance and reporting. That’s why data innovators count on Reltio to power their success.
“Three things attracted me to Reltio. First was the innovative technology, the only cloud offering of its type in the market. Second was the impressive Global 2000 customer list. Third, our CEO, Manish Sood views security as strategic and critical to Reltio Connected Customer 360. I plan to expand the team, integrate best-in-class security technologies and processes, and ensure compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA.”
Leverage Granular, Centralized Auditing
Reltio Connected Data Platform offers fine-grained, attribute-level tracking for every record stored. This enables, enabling users to track, audit and report on every click, view, search, update and merge of data, across every source. Specify access privileges for specific users and roles, down to the attribute level. Trace attributes back to sources, and tie data change requests to original sources. Compare changes, and view complete authorization and approval workflows for any request.
Make it Easy to Respond to Customer Preferences
The Reltio platform simplifies the effort required to comply with a range of security policies and privacy laws. Get powerful governance capabilities and integrated workflows for managing customer requests, including changing “opt-in” preferences, requesting access and making “right to be forgotten” deletions. Benefit from fast, efficient auditing and reporting. Use machine learning to identify opportunities for enhancing profiles or addressing potential compliance violations.
Support Collaborative Curation
Reltio Connected Data Platform enables your team to leverage workflow and collaboration capabilities that help you optimize knowledge sharing, workflows and policy adherence. Enable compliance, legal, IT, marketing and other teams to work from a single platform with consistent, accurate information, while having tailored, role-based access and visibility. Automatically share and synchronize information with other applications.
Deliver Winning Experience at Every Touch Point
How You Benefit
- Simplify compliance with regulations
- Make it easier to manage consent
- Benefit from powerful traceability