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Mastering the Data Driven Economy

Successful transition to the new normal after COVID-19 requires companies to “respond in three ways: digital excellence, safe and contactless engagement, and dynamic customer insights.” Enterprises entering economic recovery with a customer data foundation that supports digital transformation have an edge.

Make progress now by watching our webinar, Mastering the Data Driven Economy. Our featured guest is Sheryl Kingstone, Research Vice President, Customer Experience & Commerce, 451 Research and S&P Global Market Intelligence economist.

Topics Covered:

  • Requirements for a true connected customer 360° view 
  • The top CX uses cases in eight industries, including the Financial Services, Retail, Healthcare, Technology and Communications
  • The digital advantage – Master Data Management
  • The importance of cloud-native in digital transformation
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Sheryl Kingstone
Research Vice President, Customer Experience & Commerce
451 Research