Analyst Report

“Moments-Based Marketing is a Game Changer”

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Joe Stanhope is a Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester. His research focuses on exploring strategies for leveraging cross-channel campaign management, customer data platforms, and other technologies to deliver engaging customer experiences. 

Reltio spoke with Joe about the importance of hyper-personalization, digital transformation, and customer data to deliver what Forrester calls “moments-based marketing.” 

5 questions with Forrester B2C Marketing Expert, Joe Stanhope 

  1. What are the distinctions between campaign and relevant engagement marketing approaches?
  2. What is “moments-based marketing”? 
  3. How can marketing professionals and others make better use of customer data across the enterprise?
  4. What role does data have in propelling marketing into the future? 
  5. Why is it important to bring together and organize master data, transaction and relationship data in real-time and at-scale?

Register to download this exclusive Reltio “Ask the Expert” content to read Joe’s responses. 

This content isn’t available to anyone else, anywhere else. 

1 “How To Build A Moments-Based Marketing Ecosystem, Roadmap:  The Enterprise Marketing Technology Playbook,” Forrester, March 18, 2020