How to Create Great CX Using the Full Potential of MDM

Improved customer experience (CX) is a key driver in the digital economy, and having optimal multi-domain Master Data Management (MDM) is a core prerequisite for delivering great CX.
First, MDM underpins your ability to get insights into the following:
- Customer identity
- Customer hierarchies
- Customer locations
- Customer transactions
- Customer footprint on websites
- Customer footprint on social media
- Customer preferences
- Customer privacy and data protection settings and rights
Second, MDM gives you the insight into how to provide a tailored product experience by managing the data supply chain from your suppliers/vendors to each of the customer touchpoints by:
- Having your suppliers/vendors syndicate all the product, service and other information that is required by your customers
- Transforming this data into the data structure that fits your customers
- Consolidating all sources relevant for your customers
- Enriching it with your internal competitive information to delight and engage your customers
- Customizing it for each channel where you have a touch point with your customers
- Personalizing and utilizing rich and structured customer insights
Want to learn more?
View this recorded webinar as I walk you through some core concepts of how to approach multi-domain MDM with CX in mind. In a short product demo,
Ramon Chen, chief product officer at Reltio, also shows how you can do this using Reltio Connected Customer 360.
Click here to view the on-demand webinar