October 3-5, 2023
Dallas, TX
What is DataDriven?
DataDriven23 is a modern data management conference where the world’s leading data innovators come together— experts, thought leaders, and peers connect and gain the expertise to unlock the value of data, stay ahead of the curve, and maximize impact on their businesses every day.
When and where is DataDriven?
DataDriven23 is October 3 – 5, 2023 in Dallas, TX at the Renaissance Dallas Hotel.
More information about the venue and rooms.
DataDriven23 will be an in-person only event.
Who should attend DataDriven?
This event is ideal for C-level executives, decision-makers, end users, architects, business/IT leaders, and industry thought leaders. Anyone interested in becoming data driven is welcome to attend.
When will registration open?
It’s open now! Register here.
What does it cost to attend?
Main conference full price: $995
If you are interested in sponsorship passes, please reach out to David McQuillian for pricing and availability.
How does my organization sponsor DataDriven23?
For more information and to apply for a sponsorship package, please contact David McQuillian.
Are there any pre-conference workshops available?
Our CDO Summit will be taking place on Tuesday, October 3rd. This event is invite-only. If you are interested in attending and would like to request an invitation, please fill out the form here.
When should I plan on arriving and departing?
DataDriven2023 will kick off on Tuesday, October 3, with our Welcome Reception at 5:30 p.m and the opening of our exhibitor showcase. Invitation-only pre-conference sessions will also be available starting Monday. The event will conclude on Thursday, October 5, at 1:00 p.m.